CDR file format stands for CorelDRAW and this extension is proprietary format used by CorelDRAW software.
To get the best experience using site we recommend using a supported web browser(s): Chrome, Firefox Mac OS X 10.7 Installer (xquartz) dmg Build Inkscape on your Mac with Homebrew Homebrew Build Inkscape on your Mac with MacPorts MacPorts.Next: Getting into the rEFIt menu Up: Contents Ask your favourite burning software to burn “rEFIt-0.14.cdr” as a “ISO image” or “disk image”. You should now have a file named “rEFIt-0.14.cdr”. Using your favourite unpacker or the gzip command, uncompress the downloaded file. Download the rEFIt-0.14.cdr.gz disk image.Navy Veterans and honoring their service. Try our Comprehensive Navy Records Search - TogetherWeServed is the largest community website for finding U.S.